If you have a person or a team in charge of innovation, you may be going on the wrong path.
Photo courtesy of Christopher Michel.
Highly effective organizations decentralize innovation. They use deliberate techniques to democratize it so that instead of being the job of few, it is the responsibility of all.
This webinar will teach you how some organizations consistently innovate, while others just play catch up. You will also learn the difference between invention and innovation. You will participate in some exercises to gauge how comfortable your organization is with risk and failure – both crucial attributes of innovative organizations. Finally, you will learn 9 ways you can structure innovation to ensure your resilience and relevance are diversified.
Take aways:
- Develop key skills to maintain an innovation mindset centered on empathy.
- Learn how to educate your organization to be innovation-friendly.
- Understand how to diversify your sources of innovation.
JC Velten is an Innovation Lab agent and the founder of Swim, which allows people to create their own social networks. He is also the founder of SoftCoin (sold to Inmar), which powers billions of digital coupons. He uses his talents to show companies of all sizes how to access & stay in the innovation zone by creating superior products, ingenious marketing and kick-ass messaging. JC is a guest lecturer at Stanford Engineering School and holds an MBA from Harvard, a bachelor in Economics and a bachelor in Business Administration from the University of Texas at Austin.